Borlase Smart, a life in art...
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The Early Years

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St Ives post-1918

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The Early Years

1881 Born at Kingsbridge, Devon, 11th February
1896 Studied with F J Snell - Devon
1897-1900 Plymouth Art College
1900 RCPS Award for "Boat-builder's Workshop"
Royal Cornwall Gazette - Thursday 23 August 1900
1901 Worked at the Western Morning News/Illustrated Western Weekly News, Plymouth, as art editor and critic (from 1901 to 1913).
From March 17th 1906 the Western Morning News became The Illustrated Western Weekly News but reverted to its original title from March 12th 1921, following the amalgamation of the Western Morning News and Western Daily Mercury.
1903 National Art Competition
Western Daily Press - Thursday 30 July 1903
1904 Exeter Trades Exhibition - Awards
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Wednesday 13 April 1904
1911 Cornish subjects
Cornishman - Thursday 05 October 1911
1912 RA exhibit sold in first week...
West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser - Thursday 30 May 1912
1913 Arrived St Ives and studied with Julius Olsson
Borlase Smart This is an inewmedia production